Monday 20 August 2012

Quick Steak Rub

Quick Steak Rub

Steak is a staple in our house but sometimes I get tired of the usual steal seasoning. This is a very quick Jamie Oliver inspired steak rub (I saw him do something similar but not exactly this on TV once). I am just posting this for the idea, but you can throw in anything you like- any type of herb, you could add capers or olives... etc etc. You'll need a mortar and pessle, if you don't have one get one- they ultra handy!

Serve this with your favourite side dishes. I just did some salad and potatoes tonight.

Time taken?: The rub takes all of 5 minutes to make, then there is the steak cooking time. So quick!

2 year old friendly: Again, he's not up to steak yet. I will try it on him soon when he has the rest of his teeth!

2 250g fillets of steak
1 lemon
a handful od parsely, torn
2 cloves of garlic, whole with skin on
Dry thyme
Olive oil
Freshly ground pepper

Peel the zest off half the lemon with a vegetable peeler (skin only, no pith) and put into mortar and pessle.
Add the juice of the whole lemon, the parsely, the garlic, about 1 teaspoon of thyme, 1 tablespoon of olive oil and a pinch of freshly ground pepper.
Grind and mix it all up.
Lay the steak on a cooking tray and bash each piece with the palm of your hand to flatten out and tenderise.
Take the rub out of the mortar and pessle and rub over the steak with your hands (the skin will come off the garlic when it's cooking).
Leave steak to marinate in the rub while you heat up a griddle pan on high heat. Once the griddle is nice and hot, cook steak to liking.

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